PHILOMATH BRAINERY is the home of all Educational programmes ( JAMB, WASSCE, NECO, NABTEB, GCE, CAMBRIDGE A/LEVELS, SAT, IJMB O/LEVELS AND IJMB A/LEVELS Programme) in Nigeria.  University admissions nowadays have been a do or die affair; many students struggle yearly to gain admission. Most of these students await JAMB (UTME) for their university admission unfortunately, they end up with nothing. Either they don’t pass up to the cut-off mark or the result is withheld. According to statistics, the number of students applying for jamb(UTME) yearly is about 1,500,000 only 20% of them secure admission into the university with it.
We Have Come To provide Solutions to all higher education admission problems with the programme called IJMB A/LEVELS . IJMB is a 9months programme which is APPROVED by the Federal government of Nigeria as a means of securing university admission into any university in Nigeria and abroad. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria is the moderator of Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) . All admission seeking candidate is eligible for the IJMB program (including o/level awaiting result students). For those students with o/level result that want to apply, you only require 5 o/level credit passes in relevant subject (mathematics and English language inclusive).
In our Educational institute, we give students all facilities required to aid good learning starting from a conducive learning environment, science laboratories for science practical, well trained lecturers etc. We also give all our students Text books and past questions on IJMB which help them to read ahead and wide. Our fees are all at a reduced price and affordable. We also help  parents with our installmental package whereby students are allowed to pay their fees twice.


When you register with us, you enjoy different A/LEVELS benefits among which are:
** Conducive Learning environment
** All A/Levels text books and hand out in relevant courses
** Well-trained Lecturers who are willing to impact knowledge to students
** You will gain admission automatically with your o/level result
** Very conducive Hostel accommodation ( 3 per room)
** Installmental payments
** We also help our student with admission processing in any university Nationwide, 100%

NOTE:  We are independent Educational organization and it is accredited by IJMB, JUPEB & NABTEB itself. Beware of fraudulent website/organization who claim to be affiliated to us, most of them are FAKE, looking for who to defraud. We have had issues like this in the past, to avoid this all students should not pay into anyone’s personal account or some sort of unrealistic names claiming to offer IJMB . Visit our testimonial page to see what our past and current IJMB students have to tell you. We will NOT be responsible for anyone who falls a victim of those scammers, BEWARE!!


IJMB A/Level Admission form is #5,250
JUPEB A/Levels Admission form is #15,250
CAMBRIDGE A/Levels Admission form is #10,250
All Students should only pay into the school’s account ( not anyone’s personal/ fake organizational account ). The official and authentic account for the successsful registration of the programme is stated below:


ALL FIRSTBANK Banks Nationwide


Account Number : 2033567480

NOTE: After the payment, all candidates are to send their full name(depositor’s name) , Phone number, Email address, Teller number and payment date to the Admission officer’s  numbers: 08109881054 for verification. Once verified, a text containing link on how to proceed on completing your registration will be forwarded to you via text messages and email.

NOTE: Call the numbers on top of our website; in case you have any question(s) 


  1. Greatest PHILOMATH! The best of the best. Hurry up and register with them now now

  2. Join the success train today
    Musa, FUTMINNA

  3. At first I was scared to register with PHILOMATH BRAINERY but I am glad I did. They really helped me. Am now in my final year, FUTA.

  4. Registration is currently ongoing, register for your IJMB or JUPEB A/Level programme at PHILOMATH BRAINERY TODAY!! 08060330220 or 08109881054

  5. I just informed one of my friends about the programme, I hope she can still register sir/ma???

  6. hercuWconsyu Tiffany Wyatt download


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