According to research, one million,five hundred and three thousand,nine hundred and thirty-one(1,503,931) candidates wrote JAMB in the year 2012. By favour, one million,forty-eight thousand,three hundred and forteen (1,0438,314) passed the examination. Malpractices was recorded in 52 centres across eight states and over twenty-seven thousands,two hundred and sixty-six (27,266) results was withheld.
Thee hundred and thirty-six thousand,three hundred and thirty (336,330) failed the examination. Nine hundred an twenty (920) candidates scored between 170-199. Five thousand one hundred and sixty-one thousand (5,161) results was said to be invalid or incomplete which is not the first time it will happen.
In 2011, twnty-eight thousand and sixty-nine (28,069) candidate results was recorded invalid or incomplete while in 2010, ninety-six thousand four hundred and fifty-one (96,451) candidate results was invalid or incomplete which might be cancelled at the end of the day.
The question is how long do we continue in this admission hardship??? Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is the solution to all admission problems through this programme, you will be able to gain admission into any university of your choice without writing JAMB.
NOTE: After this programme (IJMB), you are not gaining admission into 100L but 200L as it will be as if you are already in 100L as at the time of this programme. Now tell me isn't this programme what doing?.
The only thng you need to do after this programme is by direct entry form(D.E) as much as you like and apply as much as you like into any university of you choice.
During the coarse of this programme, we will offer you:-
For most people that have just completed their SSCE examination or do not have o/Level result yet, you can still come for this programme as you like during the course of the programme.
Once again, your sucess is paramount to us and your failure is our failure. Hurry up as admission is still in progress.
For more enquiries;
Call:08060330220, 08109881054,
Thee hundred and thirty-six thousand,three hundred and thirty (336,330) failed the examination. Nine hundred an twenty (920) candidates scored between 170-199. Five thousand one hundred and sixty-one thousand (5,161) results was said to be invalid or incomplete which is not the first time it will happen.
In 2011, twnty-eight thousand and sixty-nine (28,069) candidate results was recorded invalid or incomplete while in 2010, ninety-six thousand four hundred and fifty-one (96,451) candidate results was invalid or incomplete which might be cancelled at the end of the day.
The question is how long do we continue in this admission hardship??? Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is the solution to all admission problems through this programme, you will be able to gain admission into any university of your choice without writing JAMB.
NOTE: After this programme (IJMB), you are not gaining admission into 100L but 200L as it will be as if you are already in 100L as at the time of this programme. Now tell me isn't this programme what doing?.
The only thng you need to do after this programme is by direct entry form(D.E) as much as you like and apply as much as you like into any university of you choice.
During the coarse of this programme, we will offer you:-
- Very good and serene environment of learning where students can sit comfortably and receive lectures.
- Sound and experienced lecturers who are ex-IJMB students and knows what it takes to pass this exam because they all go for marking yearly.
- A well structure and conducive hostel that is not far from the school
- Orientation: Different ex-IJMB students will be invited from their various institution of learning to educate us more about IJMB and also to boosten our morale of learning.
- Help "if you are interested" during the final examination because we are very much interested in our student success and nothing less.
- Gurantee about 77% admission to student in some Nigerian universities after their programme with us.
For most people that have just completed their SSCE examination or do not have o/Level result yet, you can still come for this programme as you like during the course of the programme.
Once again, your sucess is paramount to us and your failure is our failure. Hurry up as admission is still in progress.
For more enquiries;
Call:08060330220, 08109881054,
Pls how can i get this ijmb form nd how much is it
ReplyDeleteanybody that says education is expensive should try ignorance and see which one is better
ReplyDeleteijmb.....surest admission freedom
ReplyDeletePlease help me with this program, i need more information.